You Only Need One
I've tried, with varying success, to reframe the idea of YOLO (you only live once) to not justify every whim but to drive oneself to work towards lofty dreams.

When I read "YOLO is dying," speaking to the practice of applying YOLO to spending habits, I thought the answer to our debt crisis could be better branded by YONO: You (might) Only Need One.
Or, at the very least, less than what you probably have.
Think about the number of unworn pants, dresses, and shoes in your closet, the headache-inducing second and third cocktails at happy hour, and the two meals you order with your spouse after complaining about your weight.
We're on the USS Capitalist, powered by lonely hamsters, running on wheels that themselves are sinking into the ship's diesel runoff. Get off the wheel, jump ship, and swim.
It's an ocean, and we're not fish.
If we are to drown, we can do so for free.